OPPO joins Open 3D Foundation to develop 3D graphics for smartphones

OPPO has announced that it has officially joined the non-profit Open 3D Foundation (O3DF) as a Premier member. By joining the Foundation, OPPO will help to develop and adapt 3D graphics technology for mobile devices, as well as improve the performance of 3D graphics on them by collaborating with other industry experts.


OPPO will join the O3DF Governing Board and Technical Advisory Committee. The partnership will help improve O3DE features and capabilities for mobile devices, allowing advanced computer graphics techniques like ray tracing to be used in more mobile applications.

To recall, OPPO introduced the ColorOS Ray Tracing 3D Wallpaper at GDC in March, bringing interactive ray tracing to smartphones. Smartphone users may observe virtual light interact with virtual environments in real time to create shadows, reflections, and other light effects.

About Open 3D Foundation

The Open 3D Foundation (O3DF) was established in 2021 to aid open-source initiatives in the fields of photorealistic 3D graphics, rendering, and game design in order to facilitate collaboration and the sharing of resources among developers. Adobe, Amazon Web Services, Intel, and Microsoft are just a few of the 25+ other top tech firms that are members of the O3DF.

The Open 3D Engine (O3DE) is the O3DF’s crowning achievement. It is an open-source, cross-platform engine that can run AAA games and high-quality 3D worlds for movies. The engine is licenced by both Apache 2.0 and MIT and can be used anywhere in the world.

The O3DE features a completely modular construction, allowing developers to choose the functions they want according to their needs. O3DE’s cross-platform compatibility allows real-time 3D content and tools to be interoperable and portable across development environments.

Regarding the partnership, Hansen Hong, Director of OPPO Software Technology Planning, said,

Today, 3D graphics technology has become an essential element of modern society, with application domains ranging from visual effects, gaming, and medical imaging to the next-generation content like Metaverse. We are excited to join the Open 3D Foundation as a Premier member at the early stage of its development.

Through our collaboration within the Foundation, we are eager to contribute to the Open 3D Engine with mobile platforms as our focus. Together with the Mobile Device Working Group, we will bring smoother and more user-friendly mobile development experiences to O3DE developers while generating more efficient yet immersive and realistic rendering applications for mobile users.

Regarding the partnership with OPPO, Royal O’Brien, general manager of Digital Media and Games at the Linux Foundation and executive director of O3DF said,

We’re excited to welcome OPPO to the community, and we look forward to its contributions in helping advance 3D graphics standards through the O3DE project. New members like OPPO personify the value of O3DE’s modular architecture, which makes it easier for developers to build 3D solutions that combine the technologies best suited to a diverse set of use cases. Mobile gaming is a great example of how that modular approach fosters extensibility and adaptability from our core technology.

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