Samsung introduced the Galaxy S25 series smartphone, including the Galaxy S25 Ultra, globally at its Galaxy Unpacked event yesterday. As rumored, all the models in the Galaxy S25 series pack 12GB of RAM as standard in most markets, including India.
However, some Asian markets like Korea, China and Taiwan are getting a 16GB + 1TB model for the Galaxy S25 Ultra, and South Korea is getting both the 12GB + 1TB and 16GB + 1TB models.
In South Korea, the 12GB + 1TB model costs 2,127,400 won (USD 1479 / INR 1,27,965 approx.) and the 16GB + 1TB model is priced at 2,249,500 won (USD 1564 / INR 1,35,310 approx.), but it comes only in Titanium Jet Black colour and is a exclusive model.
However, in China and Taiwan, the 16GB + 1TB model replaces the 12GB + 1TB model. It is available in all the colours available, including the online-exclusive colours in China, and costs 13,699 yuan (USD 1881 / INR 1,62,740 approx.).
In Taiwan, the 16GB + 1TB model is priced at NT$ 56,900 (USD 1737 / INR 1,50,280 approx.) and comes in Titanium Black and Titanium Sky Blue colours. These are already available for pre-order in these countries and will roll out starting from February 7th. It is not clear if Samsung is planning to introduce the 16GB model of the S25 Ultra to other markets in the future.