We need to wash our hands regularly to keep germs away, we all know this very well. But what about our cell phones, which collect the dirt, oil, and bacteria that we have on our skin. On average people check their phones about 47 times per day. And each time they do, they transfer tiny microorganisms/germs from their fingers to their phone’s surface. Do you remember when you clean your cell phone properly last time? According to Seattle Times journalist Bobby Caina Calvan, your phone is covered in germs: 25,127 bacteria per square inch, which is 10 times dirtier than a toilet seat. Microorganisms make cell phones one of the dirtiest objects of our everyday life. In fact, when compared to other items cell phone is one of the dirtiest things in our daily life. Last year, Mashable.com put a little video that compared the number of bacteria covering cell phones to bacteria covering places like toilet seats, kitchen counters, pet food dishes, checkout screens, and doorknobs. This is what they reported:
Toilet seat: 1,201 Bacteria/(inch)2
Kitchen counter: 1,736 Bacteria/(inch)2
Pet food dish: 2,110 Bacteria/(inch)2
Checkout screen: 4,500 Bacteria/(inch)2
Doorknob: 8,643 Bacteria/(inch)2
The point: Cell phones have more germs on them, which is three times the number of germs on doorknobs and ten times that of the toilet seats. Think about that next time you keep your phone close to your face!
So, what do you do? Well, for starters, keep washing your hands properly (or start, if you don’t do so regularly). But second, clean your phone with disposable wipes (made to clean and disinfect cell phone surfaces) or with a gentle cloth (not a paper towel that may scratch your phone). If you like technology, then a gadget that pulses UV light that destroys surface bacteria/germs. Whatever method you wish, remember to properly clean your phone regularly to keep germs away from you!
Here are some top UV sanitizers for your phone.