Telegram has introduced its first update of 2025, packed with features like collectible gifts, enhanced reactions, advanced message search filters, a built-in QR code scanner, and more. Here’s a detailed look at what’s new:
Collectible Gifts
Telegram now lets users upgrade gifts they receive into unique collectibles. These gifts can be transferred to others or sold on NFT marketplaces. When upgraded, a gift adopts a new design with distinct attributes, such as background color, icon, and a unique number. Each collectible is a one-of-a-kind digital artwork, with some being rarer than others.
- Over 20 existing gifts, including Homemade Cake, Jelly Bunny, Spiced Wine, and Santa Hat, are eligible for upgrades, offering more than 1,400 unique designs. Upgrading a gift requires a small amount of Telegram Stars, which cover blockchain fees.
- Users can also trade collectible gifts, making it easier to expand and personalize their collections. Additionally, gifts can be sent pre-upgraded, enabling recipients to unwrap their collectibles directly in the chat.
Reactions for Service Messages
Telegram now allows reactions to service messages, such as notifications for gifts, group joins, or video chat starts. With just two taps, you can express gratitude or welcome new members.
This feature also applies to other events, including profile photo changes, chat background updates, and giveaway announcements.
Message Search Filters
Searching for messages on Telegram is now more precise, thanks to new filters. Users can refine results by choosing between private chats, group chats, or channels. Additional tabs allow users to review recent downloads, shared media, or discover trending channels and mini apps.
Third-Party Verification
Telegram has introduced a decentralized verification system to enhance transparency. Third-party services can now assign verification icons to accounts and chats, providing an extra layer of authenticity.
Verified accounts display a small icon next to their name, and tapping on their profile reveals details about the verification status. This initiative helps combat scams and misinformation while fostering trust on the platform.
Custom Emoji in Folder Names
Premium users can now personalize their chat folder names with custom emoji. This feature allows users to create expressive or minimalist folder designs, replacing text with icons for better organization.
QR Code Scanner
The in-app camera on Telegram for Android and iOS now automatically scans QR codes. Scanned codes open links directly in your preferred browser without the need for additional apps. To access the camera, swipe right on the main screen or tap the camera icon on Android devices.
Telegram Achieves Profitability
Telegram announced that it became profitable in 2024, a milestone achieved through features like Premium subscriptions, privacy-conscious ads, and Telegram Stars.
The company expressed gratitude to its users, stating:
Thanks to you, our users, we were able to achieve this goal — which will allow us to keep prioritizing users and protecting privacy.
The update is available for iOS, Android, and desktop users running Telegram version v11.6 or higher.